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Old School Throwback: Edwin Hawkins Music and Arts Seminar Mass Choir

Edwin Hawkins Music & Arts Seminar Mass Choir - Jesus Lives In Me

This song is from Edwin Hawkins Music & Arts Seminar Mass Choir's 1987 album, "Give Us Peace" recorded in Houston, TX. This was also written by John P. Kee who also leads the song.

If you don't own this album or have a copy, it's a must to own. You not only have John P. Kee soloing, but Yolanda Adams, Daryl Coley, Thomas Whitfield, and Lawrence Matthews are singing solos on there too. Richard Smallwood lends his songwriting to the album as well.

To read a review of the album, check out Prayzehymn's review.

We're back!!!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the long hiatus but I haven't been able to post on the old blog because I couldn't log in due to me forgetting the password. To make a long story short, I just startred over with a new blog. I do have plans for this blog but it will take some time and patience for it to be where I would like for it be (i.e. layout, content, ect.)

So what are some things you all would like to see here, things discussed here, just any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think in the comment box.